Evernode Platform Release. EverX News!

Evernode Platform Release. EverX News!

News #1

Meet the new look of the product line we have been developing for you since 2019, since before the Everscale launch itself.

Products previously known as TONOS-SE, DApp Server and Public Cloud were combined under the single Evernode Platform brand and are now parts of this product.

As suggested by your feedback we created a website with all relevant information on the platform: the roadmap, product description, product positioning, documentation links, release notes, breaking changes policy, deprecation schedule, feedback form and so on:

News #2

The second news is the new list of public endpoints. We added two more public endpoints in MainNet and DevNet, and changed endpoint names. Now they are named according to the data centers where the endpoints are located.

The latest version of SDK https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/ton-sdk/ already has the new endpoints associated with the net.ton.dev and main.ton.dev aliases. Old DNS names of net*.ton.dev и main*.ton.dev are temporarily available until May 1, 2022 (more details in the deprecation schedule https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/evernode-platform/reference/breaking-changes/deprecation-schedule).

Now we can provide a better service by sustaining higher loads, as well as provide increased availability — but don’t forget to use all the network endpoints in your apps, as from time to time we perform maintenance on the endpoints and cannot guarantee the availability of every one of them all the time.

News #3

We have released Notification Queue to production — but only on DevNet yet, to test integration with HTTP notification providers. If you want to become an HTTP Notification Provider or want to subscribe to HTTP notification — take a look at NQ documentation https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/evernode-platform/products/cloud/decentralized-notifications.

News #4

We are starting the process of GraphQL API functionality deprecation. The nearest deprecation will include aggregation functions with get*** names - you can now use the statistics API instead. All explain* functions will also be deprecated. More details in the deprecation schedule https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/evernode-platform/reference/breaking-changes/deprecation-schedule and migration guides https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/evernode-platform/reference/breaking-changes/migration-guides

News #5

We took metrics of our public API for query response time. At the moment we provide 75 percentile response time = 32ms, 94 percentile response time = 100 ms. We will keep working to improve these results.

News #6

We added a page where you can tell us everything you think about us :)

Please, if you encounter any problems, need any new feature, find a bug in our products, or have improvement proposals, leave us your feedback here:

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