Everscale Node May 2024 Updates

Everscale Node May 2024 Updates

Due Payments

One May update disabled due payments during the credit phase to avoid issues with bounceable messages. Information about paid dues is now accumulated in the storage fee value, passed to TVM. Such changes in due payment logic have been implemented by the capability of CapDuePaymentFix.

SMFT and Mesh Network

A major patch introduced in May pushed the Evernode in two directions at once

Firstly, it provided more stability for SMFT, although, after gathering stats and debug data, Everscale developers concluded that more changes to the protocol are needed in later releases for it to be reactivated.

Secondly, this upgrade brought the support for specific blockchain data structures (new message formats, new serialization options, etc.) to the Everscale node, which are crucial for the future release of our original technology, Mesh Network.


Significant efforts were made to prepare the Everscale node for an upcoming upgrade in stability and performance for the REMP protocol. Extensive tests performed by engineers revealed several serious issues that were fixed or will be addressed in next updates.


Following the rebranding, code libraries related to Everscale have been going through the renaming process, with one of the minor commits on this matter being deployed in EverX. Additionally, a significant commit added a number of bug fixes and stability amendments.

Developers’ Panel at Everpoint

May is a special month for Everscale: it is when the annual conference dedicated to Everscale, Everpoint, takes place. If you want to be up to date with the technical side of things, don’t miss our recap of the panel discussion by Everscale's core developers.

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