Everscale Gitcoin Elysium Hackathon : Report on the event and submissions

Everscale Gitcoin Elysium Hackathon : Report on the event and submissions

The third Everscale blockchain-based hackathon ended on November 28, 2022. More than 80 submissions were delivered over the four weeks from more than 120 participants, of which 15 impressive projects made it to the finals. A special feature of the hackathon was the development of submissions taking into account FT and NFT standards and the unique features provided by the Everscale architecture, as well as the use of the tools provided by the hackathon partners.

The Everscale Gitcoin Elysium Hackathon is an event aimed at raising awareness and attracting attention to the Everscale blockchain among developers, interface designers, project managers, and enthusiasts, and, of course, at encouraging creative and innovative approaches and extraordinary technical solutions in creating products, applications, and promising ecosystem projects.

The event was organized online on the Gitcoin platform, supported by partners and teams from Everscale, Broxus, Qamon, and Ylide.

The participants of the hackathon performed well in such bounties as GameFi, Onchain Composability, Wallet-to-Wallet communication, and Decentralized cross-chain applications, and in their projects they demonstrated a number of finished Web3 applications, games, and solutions that improve user experience. The creators of the best projects shared a prize pool of $43,000.

We congratulate all the winners and invite you to take a closer look at each project.

Everscale: GameFi bounty

1st place, $50,000: Clash of Hex. GitHub, Demo, Video. A GameFi app on Everscale that allows players to compete to capture the most cells on an endless battlefield.

2nd place / $4,000 / Zombax. Video. Zombie-smashing game with upgradable NFT vehicles.

  • 3rd place, $3,000: SBF trust. GitHub, Demo, Video. A simulation of the investment fund “Sam Bankman-Fried Trust.”

Broxus: Onchain Composability bounty

  • 1st place, $5,000: Strategy Builder. GitHub, Demo. A strategy builder that allows you to build an arbitrary pipeline of token transactions: swap, transfer, deposit liquidity, and placement of tokens into a farm pool.
  • 2nd place, $4,000: Gasless Wallet. GitHub, Video. A wallet which consumes gas from the Treasury and is free for the user.
  • 3rd place, $3,000: Everscale bet rates. GitHub, Demo. Guessing a rate in a pair. The person who guesses closest to the rate wins the bet. The solution includes both contracts and dApp.

Broxus bounty: Octus Bridge Deployment in Everscale Devnet and Ethereum Testnet

  • 1st place, $1,000: OctusBridge deployment guide. Github. Scripts and tools to deploy OctusBridge on Everscale and EVM test networks.

Ylide: Wallet-to-Wallet communication bounty

  • 1st place, $5,000: Electron Ylide chat. GitHub, Video. Web3 messaging app as a desktop application for MacOS.
  • 2nd place, $4,000: Ylide pass. GitHub, Video. Secure password manager on Everscale with the ability to store passwords on any of the networks supported by Ylide and secure team access functionality for a single set of passwords.
  • 3rd place, $1,500: Splytlide. GitHub, Video. Bill-splitting and invoicing application — you can send an invoice and split it with friends, and request a refund (like Splitwise).
  • Notable mention, $500: Ylide messenger. GitHub. A simple blockchain messaging app on Everscale/Fantom.

Ylide: Mini-products and utilities bounty

  • $250: Add Calendar Events to emails. GitHub. Allows users to add events to emails. Compatible with all known calendar apps.
  • $150: Ylide-QR code. GitHub, Demo, Video. QR-code generation for addresses: write an email or add to a contact list.
  • $150: Feature/Account QR code. GitHub. Generating a QR code for an address within Ylide Mail.
  • $50: YlideConnect. GitHub. A multichain registered token holder generator.


This was the second Elysium hackathon hosted this year, and the results were tremendous. We’re seeing a lot of new people from outside of the Everscale community trying their hand at building on top of Everscale. Hosting a hackathon is a great way to attract more developers to the ecosystem, and Elysium is definitely proving this to be the case. We would like once again to thank all the participants and congratulate the winners! Let’s build the best ever scaling ecosystem and bring crypto adoption to the world together!

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