How to create a blockchain account on Everscale

How to create a blockchain account on Everscale

Everscale is an actively developing next generation blockchain driven by an ideology of decentralization. Aside from near instantaneous transactions with minimal fees, Everscale offers a plethora of chances to earn income on the blockchain.

But, before you can dive into WebFree, you’ll need to create your own blockchain account, which means getting the address of your wallet in which you can store EVER tokens.

Read the guide, choose, and join the Everscale community!

What is an Everscale Account

An Everscale account is an Everscale address containing a wallet smart contract. This smart contract can receive tokens from other wallet smart contracts, store them and send them. You can send tokens to any address, but if the correct smart contract is not deployed there, your tokens will be stuck.

On the Everscale blockchain, the address of the smart contract address deployment is not random, but is calculated based on the smart contract code and user data, such as a public key. So different types of wallet smart contracts have different addresses.

Some of the most popular Everscale wallet smart contracts are:

  • SafeMultisig
  • SetcodeMultisig
  • Surf
  • BridgeMultisigWallet

Everscale Ecosystem Wallets

Depending on your personal preference , you can choose:

  • One of the available web based wallets
  • An app-based wallet on your smartphone or personal device (iOS or Android-based)
  • Or a browser extension based wallet.

Some examples of the available wallets:

Seed Phrase is the Only Key to the Wallet

Before funding your new Everscale wallet, it is vital to note that the seed phrase associated with your wallet is THE ONLY WAY TO RESTORE AN ACCOUNT. This means should you lose access to your account, if you do not have your seed phrase, you will lose access to your funds.

On Everscale, a seed phrase consists of 12 unique words. Due to the ability for anyone with these words to access your account, it is highly recommended that you:

* Do not take screenshots or photographs of your phrase.*

Do not store it in a place where others may be able to access it without your permission.*

Do write your seed phrase in physical form, clearly and take extra care with spellings, before storing this physical copy in a secure place.

Similarly, at the time of creating a new wallet account, a set consisting of public and private keys is generated.

The private key is used to sign transactions, in other words, operations with your tokens, and the public key is used for authentication.

The seed phrase and private key must be known only to you. If they become known to third parties, you can lose all funds from your wallet.

How to Create an Account in the EVER Surf Wallet

The setup of each of the wallet options involves these standard steps.

To set up an Everscale blockchain wallet, you need to:

  1. Download and install the application of the operating system that suits your smartphone, or install a browser extension, or go to the website of the web version of the wallet
  2. Select Create new account or similar
  3. Read the decentralization policy and accept it
  4. Create a pin code or password for quick access to the wallet
  5. Write down the seed phrase that will be shown to you, or find it yourself in the Security/Seed phrase
  6. Top up your wallet account with EVER tokens
  7. Activate the wallet, that is, deploy the wallet smart contract to the address, for further token management. It is a one time process, which is performed if there are funds on the balance of the wallet.

It should be known that if the activation process was not done, then you can only receive EVER on the balance, but you can not send them.

In the EVER Surf wallet, activation is automatic if there are funds on the wallet. It is also possible to activate without spending your tokens. Read more about it here.

Other wallets have a Deploy button that you use to deploy your smart contract of your wallet, that is, activate it.

Below is a preview of the EVER Surf wallet with tokens

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