A brief review of Messari’s report on Everscale

A brief review of Messari’s report on Everscale

Messari, a leading analytics platform that aims to increase transparency in the cryptocurrency industry, has conducted extensive professional research into the Everscale blockchain. It covered Everscale’s blockchain technology features, tokenomics and governance, the current state of the Everscale network and ecosystem, and the roadmap. Let’s dive into the key details of the report!

Messari’s report noted the Everscale’s unique network design and structure. The analysts explained how it consists of a masterchain and workchains that provide security and has a multi-threaded approach with parallel execution of smart contracts, dynamic multi-sharding and participation in validator selection, and much more.

The part of the report dedicated to the consensus mechanism pointed out that Everscale is moving to a new protocol called Soft Majority Fault Tolerance (SMFT). Currently, there are 204 validators and none of them controls more than 0.75% of the network. Meanwhile, asset placement on the part of users amounts to around $43 million.

In addition, the Everscale has its own operating system called Ever OS, which provides an intermediary between users, including developers, and the blockchain layer.

In the tokenomics and governance section, the key points considered were the utility of the native EVER token, plans to stop token emission, which is now at 1.28%, and the network’s governance structure, which consists of EverDAO with participation of the Everscale Foundation and the DeFi Alliance.

In considering the current state of the Everscale network and ecosystem, Messari’s analysts described the staking and decentralization mechanisms, as well as noting stable network activity and the DeFi, NFT, and gaming ecosystems, which they pointed out are relatively new.

The section on the roadmap noted Everscale’s plans for technical improvement, the most important being implementation of the SMFT consensus, the Reliable External Messaging Protocol (REMP), and drivechains. This section also focused on growth and partnership development strategies which the Everscale Foundation and the DeFi Alliance have undertaken.

To conclude, Messari’s analysts noted that once all the technical improvements are implemented, Everscale will have an impressive core technological stack, which in tandem with the Everscale Foundation and the DeFi Alliance’s work to build strong partnerships and investments should lead to an influx of new users and developers.

The full Messari report on Everscale is available here: https://messari.io/report/everscale-an-evolving-community-led-l1

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