Why DAO IPCI migrated carbon certificates from Ethereum to Everscale

Why DAO IPCI migrated carbon certificates from Ethereum to Everscale

In late 2022, the team behind the Robonomics network and DAO IPCI migrated their carbon certificate Solidity smart contracts from Ethereum to Everscale. We had an interview with Vadim Manaenko, head of engineering department in Robonomics Network, in which he explained the migration process and the advantages of Everscale, as well as providing feedback on the Everscale network's mode of operation.

What are DAO IPCI and carbon certificates?

DAO IPCI is an integral platform for climate initiatives that enables users to allocate and manage environmental assets and carbon certificates through blockchain technology. Carbon certificates can be purchased or acquired by any person, business, or government to offset their carbon emissions by investing in green sources of energy or any type of production that reduces CO2 in the atmosphere.

Through DAO IPCI's platform, users can create, burn, sell, or transfer their carbon certificates and earn money by implementing carbon sequestration methods on their land, factories, or production. With the increased demand for reducing carbon emissions, the market for carbon certificates is expected to become one of the largest commodity markets in the foreseeable future (up to $10 trillion at maturity). You can read more about one of the use-cases as regards reducing carbon footprints via blockchain in this article.

DAO IPCI migration – why Everscale?

VM: We had been following Everscale for some time and found it to be a promising network.

As developers, it is crucial for us to stay up to date with the latest developments in the Web3 industry. At Robonomics, we explore different networks to identify their strengths and advantages. We decided to dive deeper into Everscale instead of ignoring it.

Feedback on the migration process

VM: The initial DAO IPCI smart contracts were written in Solidity. At first, we attempted to use the same Solidity code but quickly realized that Everscale has a different architecture and its own token standards, etc. As a result, we had to spend a considerable amount of time searching for answers on Discord and Github, as well as in technical documentation, before rewriting the smart contracts to conform to the Everscale architecture with native token standards and accounts. More technical details on the migration process can be found in this article.

Note: At the time of migration, only general Everscale technical documentation was available. However, there is now an "Everscale for Solidity Developers" guide that covers most of the information required for Solidity developers, and you can have a look at “Everscale guide” for developers as well. 

Summary – what are Everscale’s advantages?

VM: From my perspective, Everscale is a convenient network for building IoT dApps due to its low gas fees, on-chain communication, and fast finality. One of the advantages of Everscale is that it has communication with the blockchain out-of-the-box. For example, any IoT device can be managed directly in the wallet without the need for a UI. The wallet itself is already a messenger.

For instance, Ever Surf allows all communication to happen inside the wallet app on a mobile phone or desktop, providing an intuitive and clear UX for end-users.

At Robonomics, all resources are focused on our Polkadot parachain, and we are limited in this regard when it comes to testing and learning more about Everscale. However, we have launched a Web3 CoffeeMaker, which is a coffee machine with a tiny computer inside that can be manipulated on-chain. Basically, anyone who sends a transaction from Polkadot or Everscale to the machine’s account can make a cup of coffee. But these were just experiments; we hope to continue exploring the possibilities and features of Everscale, as well as further collaboration, once we have more time and resources available.

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