January Node Updates

January Node Updates

Hey, Everscale family! We're back with all the latest on what's going on behind the scenes in network development. 


Over the past couple of months we've made some significant upgrades to our network nodes, specifically to versions 46 and 47. The biggest change has been the rollout of REMP, which was activated in December as part of version 46.

You can check out more details on REMP here: https://docs.everscale.network/arch/networking/remp

As part of version 47, we made a number of changes in order to optimize network operations. These changes included:

-fixing several errors that could lead to message queue overflow 

-making it impossible to save exotic cells with a non-zero level in the state

-support for version 1.9 of the virtual machine

-increasing the gas cost for the sixth and subsequent signature checks from 26 to 6500 gas units for each check

-fixing an error in gas calculation when moving a stack

In addition to all this, we are currently updating the compiler with a frontend overhaul. This will result in support for the nostorage keyword and code generation optimization.

Stay tuned for more developments as we will continue to share the progress we make as Everscale continues to grow.

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